Friday, July 20, 2012

Live each day as if tomorrow never comes

Last night I was writing my post about how I decided to take a risk and follow my dreams, no matter what challenges may arise.  This morning my feelings about that statement were confirmed and solidified.  I woke up around 6:30am, and heard first thing on my drive to work, about the Dark Knight Rises Massacre in Aurora, Colorado. I am completely mortified, saddened, and utterly heartbroken for all of the victims, survivors and especially those lost their lives, who had to endure that nightmare.  All of those innocent people attended the much awaited premier midnight showing of the Dark Knight Rises.  It was supposed to be a night cherished and never forgotten. That certainly rang true, but not in the way anyone had predicted. Now, at least 12 people are dead and 38 others wounded. Although not all the names of the fallen have been released yet, I want to send my prayers out to the the families and friends of the victims.  I would especially like to honor the life of one of the victims, Jessica Ghawi.  I do not personally know Jessica, but she reminds me a lot of myself.  She was raised right down the road from me in San Antonio, Tx, and she looks to be in her mid twenties in her photos.

Jessica Ghawi - Fallen victim from the Aurora, Colorado Dark Knight Rises Massacre, July 20, 2012.
Jessica was an aspiring sportscaster who survived a mall shooting, just one month ago in Toronto.

Last night reiterated to me that life is so precious.  You never know when it will be taken right out from under you, like it was for Jessica. What I have taken, and like I said, confirmed from this tragedy, is that you should live every day as if it was your last, take risks, follow your dreams, and make the choice to be happy.

Americans, in heart, will always stand united for the victims of the Dark Knight Rises massacre.

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